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The ideal age for starting in KG is 4½ - 5 years. Students of this age are interviewed for intelligence and elementary literacy of a child in his fifth year. A judgment is made by the Schoolauthorities on the likelihood of the child persevering in the School and profiting from it. Parentsare interviewed for their understanding of the type of education offered and their ability to cooperate in it.False declaration about a student's age is a disqualification for admission and subsequentdiscovery, by the School authorities, of such a false declaration would be enough grounds for dismissal.Anyone offering donations or pressurizing the administration through recommendations is automatically debarred from admission.
Admission to classes other than KG and XI depends on vacancies, testing, interview, age and a student's general suitability. Admissions to all classes are closed on the LAST working day inSeptember. 10% of the seats will be reserved for below poverty line (BPL) candidates in the KGclasses.
WithdrawalFor the withdrawal of a student, at least thirty days notice must be given to the Principal in writing, failing which, one month's fees will be charged, in lieu thereof.